Both Voices From the Spirit World and Shaman’s Journey strike a chord in the marketplace we didn’t even know existed. Listeners are drawn in again and again by the profound emotional experience. The powerful word of mouth promotion from listener to listener provides the retailer an ever-growing market drawn to Turgeon’s music, but also awakened to other titles in the same genre, multiplying unit sales.
Spiritual Resonance, May 27 2009 by: Brent R. Swanson “Coffee shop inspector” “Robert Turgeon’s album is not a creation that can be fully absorbed at one or even a few listenings. Unlike the music of R. Carlos Nakai or even Ah-Nee-Mah, where the listener will find graspable melodies, Turgeon weaves flute music into a fabric of nature sounds, drummings, rattles, and chants, to create “sound paintings” that ultimately weave into the album’s total audio imagery. Like a photograph, it can be savored as an artwork, but never completely comprehended. Like his Celtic contemporary, Enya, Turgeon creates the majority of his accompaniement, which is sewn together in the studio. Each element–flute, drumbeats, chants–so complements the others that is all seems effortless, and is obviously the product of painstaking labor. This album may not please listeners in search of straightforward melody, but those willing to invest time through repeated listening will be rewarded by the many layers within the overal mystery.”
“His grounded yet ethereal work has recently been picked up by Four Winds Music, one of the largest distributors of Native American music, and he’s also been invited to perform in Portugal.”
Titus Levi, Keyboard Magazine, April 1998
“The CD (Voices From the Spirit World) is selling at 117 Hastings stores throughout several states including Montana, Idaho, Washington, Colorado and Wyoming. Other stores all over Montana carry the CD.” ( Since this review it is available at more than 225 Hastings stores).
Helena Independent Record, February 1998
“Four Winds, the largest distributor of Native American music in the country, has taken on this first CD. The company has access to more than 5,000 wholesale and retail stores across the country and publishes a catalog. Four Winds has agreed to handle his next CD, “Shaman’s Journey,” even before hearing it.”
Helena Independent Record, February 1998
“Robert Turgeon’s music awakens something in you. Calms you and energizes you simultaneously. The simplicity and honesty of his execution is the most profound aspect. His ability to play a single note on the flute and have the note resonate throughout you is something few musicians are able to do. His music is an awakening.”
Bob Baran – Producer/Owner Baran Productions.
“Robert Turgeon is a wonderful raconteur and he plays the flute strongly, with pure simplicity and evocation of the natural world.”
Arnie Malina, Director Myrna Loy Center for Performing Arts.
“This inspiring rendition of Native American Chanting and flute music has prompted a favorable response from our patrons. It has been notable addition to the music selection offered in the store.”
Richard Boyd – Museum Store Manager – Montana Historical Society.
“I have had the opportunity to listen to your wonderful CD “Voices From the Spirit World” and I compliment you on a tremendous achievement in both composition and performance. As Chairman of the Montana Arts Council, I have the opportunity to hear many compositions and styles and I must say that your CD is certainly among the most impressive. I have listened to “Voices from the Spirit World” a number of times and actually have trouble keeping it in my office because everybody else wants it as well.”
William Frazier Jr. Chairman – Montana Arts Council.
“I spoke with Peter Gabriel’s (late of Genesis) Real World Studios who are very much involved in native music from all over the world and promote a large festival in the UK call WOMAD. they’re interested to hear of your work.”
Kay Jones, Bath, England.
5 Stars…Shaman’s Journey.